Does A Sauna Help With Muscle Recovery?

Sauna is thermotherapy for the whole body which can be used in different forms like sweat lodges, heat, radiant, etc. It can be used for spiritual, social, health and hygiene purposes.

It provides a variety of benefits to the body to make it healthy, fit and relaxed.

The dry heat provides great effects to the body as sweating begins instantly. In a short sauna, the average person loses a pint of sweat. It cannot be observed by a person that how much he is perspiring as it evaporates instantly. The temperature of the skin rises to about 104° in minutes, but the temperature of the internal body rises slower. Usually, it remains below 100°.

The temperature in the sauna ranges from 180 to 195° F with very low humidity, heated by wood, gas, electrical or infrared technology (i.e., use of light to produce heat).

Useful tips for Sauna:

  • Make sure to replenish fluids after a sauna session
  • Allow enough time in the sauna for your body to feel the benefits
  • Start with moderate heat and adjust if needed
  • Sit / lie on the lowest shelves and work up as the session continues

Saunas and muscle relaxation:

Body secretes endorphins when exposed to high dry heat. The tranquilizing effect caused by endorphins and also reduces the pain of muscle soreness and arthritis. The extreme temperature of the sauna also increases the temperature of the body, which causes dilation of blood vessels and in return circulation of blood also increases. So, the blood flow also increases and boost the body’s natural healing process. Sauna also causes the relaxation of muscles and lower the tension in the muscles and removes lactic acid and other toxins.

  • Consistent use of the sauna can also benefit strength training by improving muscle recovery through an elevated level of growth hormones.
  • Level of growth hormone elevated up to 200-300% after the use of a single sauna, which helps to decrease muscle atrophy.
  • Sauna bathing increase runs time to exhaustion by 32% in male distance runners after three weeks of post-exercise.

Muscle Recovery Process:

Your muscles are worked harder during exercise than they are used to, causing them to form microscopic tears.

These tears can result in inflammation and muscle soreness, tightness, cramps, and sensitivity. Then your body heals these tears to strengthen your muscles. Using a sauna enhances the muscle recovery process by increasing blood circulation and carrying oxygen-rich blood to the oxygen- depleted muscle. Heat also helps muscles to relax, thus reducing muscle tension.

The relief of muscle tension boosts the recovery between workouts for athletes. This also leads to emotional and physical well-being. It has been shown that the heat of a sauna enhances the disposal of by-products produced during exercise. The body may break down tissue protein to be used for energy during long exercise periods.


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